About us

Who we are

God’s Grace Orphanage and Motherless Babies’ Home (GGOMBH) is a non-governmental and non-profit organization established out of the desire to provide shelter, clothing, education, care and hope for the motherless, abandoned and less privileged in society.

The chief executive officer, Mrs Kate Okunrobo is a mental health practitioner with over 15 years of experience. She has a special passion for helping children and the less fortunate. We set a high standard in child welfare and support for the orphans and less privileged.

Our approach

Mission Statement

To provide a home and family for orphans and less privileged, ensuring high-standard support for them while liaising with other humanitarian philanthropists and adhering to government guidelines.

Our Vision

Our overarching vision is to provide a home where orphans and the less privileged can experience the love and warmth of a family, while growing up to achieving their full potential.

To achieve this vision, we specifically set out to do the following:

  • Ensure a healthy and abuse-free environment.
  • Prioritize the physical and mental wellness of all children and workers.
  • Focusing on every individual child, helping to identify their strengths and gifts and maximizing same.
Core Values
  • Compassion
  • Integrity
  • Excellence
Our Partners